2012년 2월 26일 일요일

Change in Outdoor Regulation

Change in Outdoor Regulation

             “Hey, are you going out this weekend?”
             “I’m thinking about it. Mom’s pushing me to come out…”
             Every week, on days near the weekends, we can hear this kind of conversation all over the Korean Minjok Leadership Academy. Just like it’s important to use the self-study period efficiently, it is very crucial to use weekends wisely in this school. Some students prefer to remain in school, but other many students tend to go back home during the weekends to refresh and reenergize. However, since KMLA is a dormitory school, students can’t leave the school during weekends without notifying the dormitory parents. KMLA is enforcing this notifying rule with an ‘outdoor regulation’, giving penalty points to anyone who left the school without permission.
             Until last year, it was quite easy to keep the outdoor regulation. Students just had to go in KMLA Online and check a box to inform that they’ll not be in school during the weekends. However, starting this year, the regulation changed. Now, the students have to notify their parents first and the parents have to inform the students’ advisors about not being at school on weekends. The change was made to prevent students from lying that they will be visiting home but going elsewhere with friends. Even though the change was made for good reasons, there are complaints here and there.
             Most complaints are about the robbing of freedom from the students. One student said “It’s not as troublesome as I thought it will be. Still, I feel bad about losing our freedom concerning outdoor regulation.” Also, there are complaints that outdoor regulation became more tiresome. This type of dissatisfaction is especially high from the students with the foreign advisor teachers. “It is difficult for our parents to contact our advisors since foreign advisors don’t understand Korean and our parents don’t speak English. Furthermore, there’s some pressure to be formal and polite to the teachers, which makes the procedure tiresome.” On the other hand, students who agree to the changes say differently. They say that it was students’ responsibility on the first hand to keep the promise with the school. Outdoor regulation is sort of a promise between students and school the he or she will go home or formal events with their parents knowing about it. Unfortunately, students broke that mutual promise by going somewhere else without their parents knowing. Students who approve say that it’s our fault to not manage our freedom. In addition, students who agree with the change say that the difficulties concerning foreign advisors can be overcome by simplifying the ‘advisor notifying’ process by using e-mails or text messages to convey the message.
             Is this change good? Or is it bad? We can’t be sure yet. Until now, not much trouble has occurred but it is clear that school has lost their trust on us and robbed us from our freedom. We will have to wait for a little longer and see how the events concerning new outdoor regulation come out. However, it is crystal clear that if we want to prevent any other ‘robbing of freedom’, we have to put our efforts for school to retain their trust on us. 

Harmful Walmart - Must be Regulated : Synthesis Essay Sources

           The thesis of my synthesis essay about Walmart is that Walmart must be regulated by government because it does more harm than benefits to the people around it. I'm planning to support my thesis with two main topics. The first one is about Walmart’s impact on its employees. In this topic, I will talk about the wages, working conditions, and foreign workers concerning Walmart. The second topic is  Walmart’s impact on local communities. There, I will about Walmart destroying local merchants and businesses. Furthermore, I will relate the Walmart’s idea of expanding as much as it can to the influence of the company to people around it. I found three sources to make my arguments concrete.

1.Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities? 

           If someone looks into this source, they might find it peculiar that I choose this article as my source because this article titled “Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities?” actually defends Wal-Mart from its criticizers. He says that Wal-Mart helps the local economy by giving numerous citizens another choice and freedom to buy cheaper products and says that Wal-Mart is already paying its employees enough. Some might say, this source is not giving me any sufficient information to support my arguments. However, with the information and proofs from other sources, I am going to rebut what Mr. Anderson said, thus strengthening my arguments one step further.

Here’s the article (I highlighted the important things from the article)

In a recent poll on the CNN website, viewers were asked the "poll" question of whether or not they believed that Wal-Mart stores were "good" for the "community." Perhaps it is not surprising that a large majority answered "no." 
Now, this by itself does not mean much, since these online "polls" are not scientific and reflect only the views of the moment by people who choose to participate. What is more significant, however, was the anti-Wal-Mart content of a speech recently given by Teresa Heinz Kerry, John Kerry's wife and an influential person in her own right. Speaking at a Democratic Party rally, Mrs. Kerry declared that "Wal-Mart destroys communities."
Indeed, Wal-Mart bashing is in vogue. Whether one journeys to the sight of Sojourners Magazine or reads even mainstream news publications, the charges against Wal-Mart abound. According to the consensus of the critics, Wal-Mart is guilty of the following:
  • Paying low wages to workers, and generally abusing them.
  • Intimidating shoppers by having them "greeted" by an elderly person at the door. (As one writer said, the real purpose of that greeter is to let shoppers know that they are being watched.)
  • Putting small stores out of business, as shoppers stop patronizing the little "mom-and-pop" boutiques for the big box, thus "destroying" the look of "Main Street" in small towns and cities.
  • Purchasing low-priced goods from abroad, which puts American workers out of jobs.
  • Contributing to that allegedly harmful disease known as "consumerism," in which Americans are constantly purchasing goods that the Wal-Mart critics insist that they really don't need. As the bumper sticker of one of my faculty colleagues proclaims: "Mal-Wart: The Source of Cheap Crap."
Of course, what really bugs the critics is that people choose to shop at Wal-Mart instead of the places where they would want people to spend their money. (Activists on both left and right often will invoke the name of the "people" when their real goal is to restrict the choices of those "people.")  Yet, while up front I question the real motives of the Wal-Mart haters, it still behooves us to answer the charges using economic logic, since many of the arguments against this chain store also appeal to economics.
In a recent article, "Always Low Wages," Brian Bolton declares that Jesus would not shop at Wal-Mart, since the company's employee pay scale is not up to Sojourners' standards. Furthermore, he all but declares it a "sin" for Christians to patronize the store because it imports cheap goods made by people who make even less money than Wal-Mart employees. As Bolton writes, "lower prices equal lower wages."
Nearly all of us would accept higher payment for our services, and Wal-Mart employees are no exception. Yet, that condition alone hardly makes a company's pay scales illegitimate, as Bolton and other critics contend. If my employer were to double my pay tomorrow (which is highly doubtful), I doubt I would object, although I'm sure that most of my colleagues would see the event in a different light. That Frostburg State University does not make that offer to me does not make my current salary illicit, nor does it make my employer the second coming of Silas Marner.
The point is this: payment for services involves mutually agreeable exchanges. They are not manifestations of power, as some would say. No one is forced to work at Wal-Mart; people who choose to work there do so because they prefer employment there to other circumstances.
At the local Wal-Mart where I shop (contrary to Bolton, I do not believe that shopping at Wal-Mart violates the Holy Scriptures), I have noticed that many employees have stayed with that company for a long time, and there does not seem to be much turnover there. Furthermore, from what I can tell, they seem like normal people, not the oppressed slaves that the critics claim fill the ranks of Wal-Mart workers.
Now, my personal observations hardly constitute proof that Bolton and the other Wal-Mart critics are wrong, but unless they can repudiate the opportunity cost argument, they have ground upon which to stand. Wal-Mart is not engaged in a grand conspiracy to push down wages in any given market, and twisted logic cannot prove otherwise.
For example, Bolton writes that part of the problem faced by recent striking union grocery store workers in Southern California was that Wal-Mart super centers in the area paid lower wages, which placed pressure on the other grocery stores. Thus, he reasons, it was Wal-Mart that ultimately kept workers from receiving "just wages" for their work.
No doubt, Bolton can appeal to the anti-capitalist mentality of many people, but his work stands economic logic upon its head. By paying lower wages, Wal-Mart makes grocery stores like Vons and other places that pay union scale more attractive to workers (although labor unions do not exactly welcome some potential employees with open arms). The success of Wal-Mart does not have to do with the pay scale of its employees, but rather with the perception by consumers that the store will have the goods they want at an affordable price.
Bolton claims that Wal-Mart can charge lower prices and still be profitable because it pays its employees less than do other companies. As anyone with even cursory training in Austrian Economics knows, such an argument is false. As Murray Rothbard points out in Man, Economy, and State, economic profit exists because of temporarily underpriced factors of production. Over time, as the owners recognize their position, they will either refuse to sell their factors at current prices and look to other options, or accept the current price because the opportunity costs of selling to other buyers may be higher than they wish to incur. If it is the latter, then one cannot say that these particular factors are even underpriced, as their owners are not able or willing to do what is necessary to gain higher prices for their employment.
In places like Southern California, where there are numerous employment opportunities, to say that workers are "forced" to work at Wal-Mart for "slave wages" is ridiculous. As noted before, the fact that workers there would be willing to accept higher pay is not evidence that they are enslaved. That they would prefer more to less simply means that they are normal, purposeful human beings.
One can easily dismiss the charge about the "greeter" at the door—unless one truly is intimidated by the presence of a diminutive 60-year-old grandmother. (What I have found is that if I select merchandise and actually pay for it, then no one there bothers me at all. If activists are upset that Wal-Mart does not like individuals to steal goods from their shelves, then they are advocating theft, and one does not have to pay attention to their arguments at all.) 
The "Wal-Mart destroys the community" charge, however, needs more attention. It goes as such: Wal-Mart enters a geographical area, and people stop shopping at little stores in order to patronize Wal-Mart. The mom-and-pop stores go out of business, the community is left with boarded-up buildings, and people must leave the small businesses and accept lower wages at Wal-Mart. Thus, while a shiny new store full of inexpensive goods is in the locality, in real terms, most everyone actually is poorer.
Again, these kinds of arguments appeal to many people. For example, all of us have heard of the theoretical owner of the small, independent hardware store who had to close his shop when Wal-Mart or Home Depot moved into his community, then suffer the indignity of having to go to work at the very place that put him on the streets. The former owner has a lower income than before, which is held up as proof that the "big boys" create and expand poverty.
A few items need to be put in order. First, no one forced the hardware owner to close his shop; he closed it because it was not profitable enough for him to keep it open. If the new chain store meant that many of his former customers had abandoned him, that is not the fault of the new store. Instead, consumers faced with choices and lower prices that they had not previously enjoyed freely chose to patronize the new store.
Second, while the owner of the smaller store has suffered a loss of income, everyone else has gained. Third, if the employees of the smaller store go to work at the new chain store, it is almost guaranteed that their pay will be higher than before and they will enjoy new benefits that most likely had not been available to them previously.
Third, the presence of Wal-Mart means local consumers will pay lower prices for goods than before, and also will benefit by having a wider array of available items than they had previously. (And they save on time by being able to stay under one roof while shopping for different items.) Whatever the reason, we can safely assume that consumers in that particular locality are exercising their free choices, choices that they perceive will make them better off than they were before the store existed. Activists may not like their reasoning, but that is irrelevant to our analysis.
Having dealt with the "Wal-Mart" creates poverty argument, we now turn to the more nebulous claim that the chain store "destroys" communities. Now, I have never seen a place that has been severely damaged or "destroyed" by Wal-Mart. (I have seen places that have had their quality of life spoiled by rent controls, "urban renewal," and other statist interventions that so-called activists have championed, but that is another story for another time. Suffice it to say that activists are unhappy that individuals freely choose to shop at Wal-Mart, and they want to restrict their choices in the name of "community.")
In fact, I would like to make a reverse argument; Wal-Mart and stores like it add to the quality of life in large and small communities because they provide consumer choices that otherwise would not be available. Take the area near Cumberland, Maryland, where I live, for example.
Cumberland is something of a time warp, a place that 50 years ago was a manufacturing center and was the second-largest city in Maryland. Today, most of the large factories are long shut down and the population is less than half of Cumberland's heyday numbers. Furthermore, the area has a relatively high unemployment rate and many jobs do not pay very well.
The presence of Wal-Mart and Lowe's (a large hardware store), along with some large grocery chains, however, means that people here can stretch their incomes farther than we would if those stores did not exist. If they suddenly were to pull out, one can be assured that our quality of life here would not improve in their absence. Furthermore, the fact that Wal-Mart and other large stores are willing to locate in smaller and poorer communities also makes these areas more attractive for people who wish to live here but do not want to have to give up all of the amenities of living in a larger city.
Others on this page and elsewhere have dealt with the charge that Wal-Mart destroys American jobs by purchasing goods from abroad, where the goods often are manufactured in what activists call "oppressive" conditions. (In fact, Sojourners elsewhere has openly stated that Third World peoples should simply be supported by American aid, and that the West should do all it can to make sure that the economies of these poor nations do not grow, all in the name of environmentalism. In other words, none of us are poor enough to satisfy the anti-Wal-Mart activists whose real goal is to eviscerate our own standards of living and "turn back the clock" to an era when life expectancy was lower and people generally were more deprived.)
The last objection—that Wal-Mart helps create "mindless" consumerism—is easily refuted by Austrian economics. The very basis of human action is purposeful behavior; to call human action "mindless" is absurd. Consumers at Wal-Mart and other chain stores are not zombies walking aimlessly through the building with glassy stares. They are human beings with needs and desires who perceive that at least some of those desires can be fulfilled through the use of goods purchased at Wal-Mart.
In a free society, activists would have to try to convince other individuals to change their buying habits via persuasion and voluntary action. Yet, the very history of "progressivist" activism in this country tells us a story of people who use the state to force others to do what they would not do given free choices. Yesterday, Microsoft was in their crosshairs; today, it is Wal-Mart, and tomorrow, some other hapless firm will be declared guilty of providing customers choices that they had not enjoyed before. A great sin, indeed.

           This is the source of most of the information that I used to support my arguments. There are few paraphrases and quotations from this source. This article titled “The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know” shows my Wal-Mart is harm and tells this in a similar way as the article that I read called “The Price of Pickles”. (The length of it is similar too) Since the article is too long, I won’t post it on the blog.

           This is a short article specifically about the low wages that employees get in Wal-Mart. I found this source as I was looking for the source that provided me with specific examples and data to support my first argument. Although it’s shorter than the two above, I have provided me sufficient reasons to rebut and claim my argument. The title of the article is “Always Low Wages”.

2012년 2월 19일 일요일

Walmart Research

          Wal-Mart has been subject to criticism by various groups and individuals. Among these are some labor unions, community groups, grass-roots-organizations, religious organizations, environmental groups and Wal-Mart customers. They have protested against Wal-Mart, the company's policies and business practices. Other areas of criticism include the corporation's foreign product sourcing, treatment of product suppliers, environmental practices,the use of public subsidies, and the company's security policies. Wal-Mart denies doing anything wrong and maintains that low prices are the result of efficiency.
          In 2005, labor unions created new organizations and websites to influence public opinion against Wal-Mart, including Wake Up Wal-Mart (United Food and Commercial Workers) and Walmart Watch (Service Employees International Union). By the end of 2005, Wal-Mart had launched Working Families for Wal-Mart to counter criticisms made by these groups. Additional efforts to counter criticism include launching a public relations campaign in 2005 through its public relations website, which included several television commercials. The company retained the public relations firm Edelman to interact with the press and respond to negative media reports, and has started interacting directly with bloggers by sending them news, suggesting topics for postings, and sometimes inviting them to visit Walmart's corporate headquarters.
          Economists at the Cato Institute suggest that Wal-Mart is a success because it sells products that people want to buy at low prices, satisfying customer's wants and needs. However, Wal-Mart critics argue that Wal-Mart's lower prices draw customers away from other smaller businesses, hurting the community.


2012년 2월 14일 화요일

Ode to Basketball

< Ode to Basketball >

Dear Basketball,

             After all the time that we spent together, it’s quite embarrassing to write a letter to you. Do you remember that day when we first met? I was thirteen years old then. The vibration you made when you bounce, the feeling when you slid under my hand, and the sound you made as you go through the net enchanted me as soon as I saw you. It’s been four years already. Even since, we have been always together. Whenever I had time, I played with you to release my stress, have fun, or to forget things that were stuck in my head. No matter how many times I came to visit, you always welcomed me with your round face and smile. Without a doubt, you gave me great joy and fun ever since I first met you and became one of my best friends.

             You might be a little bewildered by my awkward letter after all these years without any words or thanks. To tell you the truth, I’m writing this letter to show my gratitude for all the events that happened because of you, and send an apology for situation that will come sooner or later.

             I’m sure that you remember that day when we first met. Back then, I was in America because of my dad’s work at nearby university. However, I wasn’t so good at English. Everything was new and strange to me. In school, I couldn’t talk to classmates or tell what I think to my teachers. The culture and language barrier was too difficult and high for me to overcome easily. I was having a hard time adapting to the environment. Then one day, few of my classmates asked me if I want to play basketball with them afterschool. I told them I wasn’t so good at it, but they took me anyway, trying to help me getting used to America. There, I met you and was enchanted immediately. More importantly, you opened up a way for me to get closer to my classmates: sports. After the first date (?) with you, my classmates and I hung out together day after day, playing soccer, football, tennis and many other sports. Through hanging out, I could adapt to my new American life easily.

             Furthermore, not only in America, but you helped me in Korea too. After coming back from America, I entered the high school called Korean Minjok Leadership Academy (KMLA), one of the best high schools in the world. At the start of the semester, all the students who came to KMLA felt awkward since they were from all over the country. I thought I would have a hard time again adjusting to new school. However, you opened a way for me yet again. I found students who were friends with you too. Those students became my best friends here in KMLA.
             After all the help you gave to me, I finally thank you for all the things you have done for me. Without you, I would have been lost and would have had a very difficult time adjusting to the new environment I fronted during my life. Thank you. Thank you for opening a way for meeting the best guys I’ve ever met. Thank you for taking on my stress and bad memories. Thank you for giving my such fun and joy in my life.

             Sadly, I also have to give you a sad message: I won’t be able to play with you as much as I did before. I’m a junior now and have to go to college soon. To reach my goal, I have to study hard. Even though I love you much more than memorizing stupid words and solving head aching problems, I must endure them to attend the college that I want to. To do this, I’d have to shorten the amount of time I meet with you. Of course, it’s not bye-bye forever. Still, we’d have to wait for quite a long time until we meet again. I dearly hope that you understand me with your soft heart, and once again come to me with your big, heart-warming smile.

With everlasting LOVE,