2012년 2월 14일 화요일

Ode to Basketball

< Ode to Basketball >

Dear Basketball,

             After all the time that we spent together, it’s quite embarrassing to write a letter to you. Do you remember that day when we first met? I was thirteen years old then. The vibration you made when you bounce, the feeling when you slid under my hand, and the sound you made as you go through the net enchanted me as soon as I saw you. It’s been four years already. Even since, we have been always together. Whenever I had time, I played with you to release my stress, have fun, or to forget things that were stuck in my head. No matter how many times I came to visit, you always welcomed me with your round face and smile. Without a doubt, you gave me great joy and fun ever since I first met you and became one of my best friends.

             You might be a little bewildered by my awkward letter after all these years without any words or thanks. To tell you the truth, I’m writing this letter to show my gratitude for all the events that happened because of you, and send an apology for situation that will come sooner or later.

             I’m sure that you remember that day when we first met. Back then, I was in America because of my dad’s work at nearby university. However, I wasn’t so good at English. Everything was new and strange to me. In school, I couldn’t talk to classmates or tell what I think to my teachers. The culture and language barrier was too difficult and high for me to overcome easily. I was having a hard time adapting to the environment. Then one day, few of my classmates asked me if I want to play basketball with them afterschool. I told them I wasn’t so good at it, but they took me anyway, trying to help me getting used to America. There, I met you and was enchanted immediately. More importantly, you opened up a way for me to get closer to my classmates: sports. After the first date (?) with you, my classmates and I hung out together day after day, playing soccer, football, tennis and many other sports. Through hanging out, I could adapt to my new American life easily.

             Furthermore, not only in America, but you helped me in Korea too. After coming back from America, I entered the high school called Korean Minjok Leadership Academy (KMLA), one of the best high schools in the world. At the start of the semester, all the students who came to KMLA felt awkward since they were from all over the country. I thought I would have a hard time again adjusting to new school. However, you opened a way for me yet again. I found students who were friends with you too. Those students became my best friends here in KMLA.
             After all the help you gave to me, I finally thank you for all the things you have done for me. Without you, I would have been lost and would have had a very difficult time adjusting to the new environment I fronted during my life. Thank you. Thank you for opening a way for meeting the best guys I’ve ever met. Thank you for taking on my stress and bad memories. Thank you for giving my such fun and joy in my life.

             Sadly, I also have to give you a sad message: I won’t be able to play with you as much as I did before. I’m a junior now and have to go to college soon. To reach my goal, I have to study hard. Even though I love you much more than memorizing stupid words and solving head aching problems, I must endure them to attend the college that I want to. To do this, I’d have to shorten the amount of time I meet with you. Of course, it’s not bye-bye forever. Still, we’d have to wait for quite a long time until we meet again. I dearly hope that you understand me with your soft heart, and once again come to me with your big, heart-warming smile.

With everlasting LOVE,

댓글 1개:

  1. Pretty good. The language of "sport" is somewhat universal, and basketball is special in how it can be played almost anywhere at anytime, no matter if you are rich or poor. I like your intimate details about bridging cultural gaps through the ball.

    Grammar and flow - very good. Hardly anything to mark up with red pen if I were to print it off. There is no need for that. The only thing that could improve is the similarity with the sample I provided on my blog. Most students in the class mistakenly assumed that was what I wanted, but I was hoping for original approaches from everyone, making use of poetic devices such as metaphor, simile, repetition, and alliteration. There isn't much of that here, and it's more of a reflective essay than an ode. All in all, I like it, don't get me wrong. It's mostly my fault for not making things more clear and providing the sample.

    Good work.
