2011년 10월 26일 수요일

Reflection on "봄"

Reflection on "봄"

             Throughout our daily lives, we talk and interact with many other people. Usually, we just talk and act the way we think and the way we want. Many sentences that we spoke or acts that we showed disappear behind our memories after some time. Well, for us, that is. Even though we forget what we spoke or showed, people who listened to and saw what we did may not forget it. Those words and acts that we showed so thoughtlessly can form an inerasable scar in someone’s mind.
             For instance, there was one time when I made fun of an ugly girl in our class. Since making fun of people was one kind of entertainment for boys in our class, I thoughtlessly made fun of her, swept by the atmosphere. However, a few days later, some girls in my class told me that the girl that I made fun of cried a lot when she got back home. At first, it took some time for me to understand what they were talking about since I didn’t remember that I made fun of her a few days ago. Soon, I remembered, and as I recalled the incident, a shock overwhelmed me. I never, ever imagined that the girl I made fun of would be hurt that much. Of course, I apologized to her a soon as possible. Still, the apology couldn’t erase the scar that I gave her.
             If the words that we speak and behaviors that we show can hurt, how can we prevent such an unfortunate event? The best way to prevent it is to be in someone else’s shoes. To be in someone else’s shoes means to think before we speak or behave and consider what who he or she feels like when I speak or act the way I want to. In this way, we can avoid inappropriate words. Another way to avoid giving the scar is to hold our tongues as much as we can. 

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