2011년 10월 3일 월요일

Bugil High School and KSA

Bugil High School and KSA

             “Hey! hey! Here! Pass!” Even from far end of the field, players’ call for the pass could be heard. Their rough breaths, ever moving legs, and passionate shouts aimed for only one thing – a goal.
             On May 25th, CGV, the soccer club in our school, played a preliminary soccer match of
Nationwide 특목고 Football Tournament against Bugil High school. Resentment built up from not being able to go out in state championship, mixed with expectation of using the grass field for the first time in this year had kept the players thrilled since the day before the game. By the morning of May 25th, thrill had piled up to be a tension. 
             Our players started to warm-up at 10:30, getting their conditions up before the match. Players adjusted to the grass field by doing few passing and shooting drills. Around 11:00, Bugil players arrived at the field. They too, practiced a few drills to get adjusted. Time passed, and soon enough, around 11:30, the match started.
             Despite the tension and worries, the game started easily for the CGV. The first goal was scored even before 5 minutes had passed. With the flow on their side, CGV pressured the Bugil team harder. Flustered by giving the first goal too easily and our players’ strong defense and offense, Bugil team let two more goals within 10 minutes after the first goal. With the total control and the flow of the game, it seemed like that CGV had already won.
             However, the game was still long left. Despite the three goals that could have taken out the will to run anymore, the Bugil players quickly gained their composure. They started to play back toughly, both physically and mentally. Taken aback by their sudden rush, CGV allowed one goal.
             With a newly found spark of hope, the Bugil team started to come out even harder. But this time, our players weren’t off guard. One goal was enough. Through solid defense and offense, CGV wrapped up the first half without anymore danger. Also, on this particular day, luck was on our side. It turned out that the Bugil team didn’t bring any substitutes. As the second half passed, Bugil team couldn’t keep up with the stamina of CGV. Using this as the advantage, CGV ended the game with a score of 3 – 1.
              “Even though it was a competitive match, I think it provided a great chance to get to know other schools” said one of the CGV players after the match. School interchange such as sports game is one of the best ways to promote good fellowship between schools.
              Fortunately, there was another school event just like a game with Bugil high school; on June 9th, students from Korea Science Academy (KSA) came over. On the evening, KSA and KMLA had fun together, showing their talents by singing, dancing and rapping. On the morning of June 10th, students from our school and KSA had a sports interchange, playing four sports games – basketball, soccer, softball, and the tug-of-war.
             We started off with the basketball game. Not failing our expectations, KMLA’s basketball club Crossover defeated the KSA basketball team with a score of 59 – 20. “It was one-sided game for the most of the time. But still, it was exciting” said one of the 16th waver who watched the game. Next, there was a soccer game between CGV, the KMLA’s soccer club, and KSA soccer team. After a neck to neck game for 80 minutes, CGV lost by a score of 3 – 2. KMLA took the matches after that, which were softball and tug-of-war match.
             Regardless of the results, the sports exchange with KSA was a very enjoyable and exciting experience overall. We hope to have such experiences with other schools as well and also visit KSA next year.

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