2011년 9월 23일 금요일

Morning Exercise

Morning Exercise

             “Head! One! Head! Two! Wrist! One! Wrist! Two!” mixture of breathless shouts, occasional outbursts of desperate mumbles and many sleepy grumbles can be heard in the gym. Correspondent to the shouts, about a hundred of bamboo swords come down, some of them stopping at the right place, but mostly missing it. From Monday to Friday, 6:30 through 7:00 in the morning, KMLA students do morning exercises. No matter what exercise you do, it is all same that waking up around 6:00 in the morning everyday to do exercises is a very painful procedure.

             Morning exercise counts as a necessary course, which makes us to attend it despite the hardships. Going to morning exercise every day, we always complain about the cruelty of it and dream what we can do if we don’t have morning exercises. Necessity of morning exercise was questioned ever since it was created. Most students despise it and pray every morning that they don’t have one. This ‘feels’ true. We can feel it through dozing in the classes or going to courts.

             However, despite the general trend, some people argue that morning exercises aren’t as unnecessary as others say. They claim that morning exercises give us some positive effects. Through continuous exercise, we make a habit of sleeping early as we can since it is impossible not to doze in the classes with 3~4 hours of sleep. This habit leads us to manage our time compactly as possible. Loaded with tremendous amount of homework, we always fight against time to gain as much sleep as possible. Also, morning exercise provides a good chance to exercise for students who doesn’t do any sport activities. It helps us to set a periodic and un-squandering life in KMLA, so they say.

             Considering such criticisms, we cannot deny that morning exercises are durable if we don’t let any IR or self-period time slip by. However, morning exercises cause us more than physical pain. For one, morning exercise is one of the major causes of conflict between roommates. Usually, there’s at least one student in every room who doesn’t wake up so fast. Other roommates wake him up since missing morning exercise will cause 3 penalty points. Sadly, shaking off a sweet lure of sleep is difficult for any student. Sometimes other roommates forget and miss waking other roommate/s because they are late or too sleepy. Done intended or not, events like this stir distrust and discord in the room.

             Also, ironically, morning exercise is the main reason we let our precious time slip by. Since it is crucial for our studies to not doze during the classes, we endure beyond our strength to stay awake. However, staying awake doesn’t fill up the lacking hours of sleep. Inevitably, we satisfy our body with rest in IR periods or self study time. This pushes us to do assignments until late in the night, thus causing another day without enough sleep and makes a continuous cycle.  

             Unfortunately, we must admit that absence of morning exercise won’t fully satisfy our desire to sleep and similar cycle will appear. Despite that, pain from morning exercise is too much to ignore. Thus, it is impossible to get rid of morning exercise but it can be tried to make some improvements in current system. For one, the can be a ‘save my soul’ policy. Even for the most diligent student, there at least one day in 2 weeks where all the assignments, papers, and presentations are due. We can make a policy to let students to miss morning exercise once every two weeks. In this way, students can keep up with the classes and sustain a rhythmic life even though they stayed up late.

             Morning exercise is a double-edged sword which can be productive or painful Take a moment to think which side of the sword you are on, a thought that result seems so clear yet unavoidable. Without our efforts nothing can be improved. We need to show the school that we can take on the new policy, whatever it is. Let us remember, the revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.

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