2011년 9월 9일 금요일

What KMLA means to me


            “Don’t get disappointed even though you get rejected. You tried your best.” That’s what my mom said right before checking the result for final selection in KMLA entrance examination. I said yes. However, that was not true. First, I have not tried my best, which I was regretting at that time. Second, I would be more than just disappointed. Ever since I began my journey towards KMLA, I have never thought of going to high schools except KMLA. With utmost luck, I was accepted to Korean Minjok Leadership Academy.

             But why did I want to be accepted to KMLA? Was it good college? Or was it fame and admiration from the people? It was dream; a dream to be a person like Steve Jobs or Barak Obama, a person who can change the world. To achieve my dream, it was necessary to study in global universities, meeting various people from all over the world and taking on their different ideas and characteristics. KMLA was one way to achieve that; actually, the best way. And that’s what KMLA means to me - a wing. KMLA is a wing that can take me to the land of more possibility to achieve my goal, and also a step, that must be taken to reach the next floor – global university.

             However, ‘wing’ itself can’t describe KMLA enough for me. Despite the fact I was accepted to KMLA, I was disappointed at myself for not trying my best even though I longed to be a KMLA student. I was accepted because I was lucky, not because of my intelligence or any other qualities to be accepted. KMLA provided me with a chance, a chance to prove myself to ‘myself’. I wish to show myself that I achieved what I hoped for due to efforts, not luck. By succeeding to meet my goals in competitive school like KMLA, I’d able to prove myself.

             A wing and a chance to soar up, to reach the expectation – to be a man who can change the world – that’s what KMLA means to me.

댓글 4개:

  1. Hey Jun Seung! I happened to stop by your blog as I was scrolling down Mr. Garrioch's blog, looking at other people's writings and stuff.
    Okay. So KMLA means a wing to you... Nice comparison, I think. I also liked your idea of KMLA being something like a "mirror" proving yourself to yourself.
    However, I have to admit, I was a bit surprised when I realized that there was not a single mention about the friends you made here in this school, and the meaning in which such deep relationship amongst friends have inflicted-and will inflict to you in the future. Did you simply forget about mentioning your friends, or did you thought it was not worthwhile to deal with in your writing? (I hope it is the former.)

    Anyways, good luck on your "flight" to a foreign school with a wing called KMLA by your side!

  2. That's a pretty good question SeungMin. However, what I was writing about in this writing was what KMLA means as a whole to me. If I wanted to wrtie about how the experiences I had in KMLA affected me, I would have to write on forever. Next time, I won't forget to include friends in KMLA. Thanks

  3. Haha - great to see some banter here. I take note of who says what and where and why, so keep it up. I suggest Junseung return the favor and cross-examine Samuel a little.

    Nice writing here Junseung. Was this just a whimsical thing or something you had assigned?

  4. Thank you, Mr.Garrioch, I'll make sure I return the favor to Samuel.
    This was an assignment I wrote to get into Minjok Herald.^^;
