2011년 11월 1일 화요일

Life is an Infinite Game...

Infinite Mountains

             “One down, thousands more to go!” Right now, I’m playing a game - a game that I can’t choose to play, but one that I have to play. ‘Infinite Mountains’ is the name of the game I’m playing. In this game, we are faced with innumerable challenges throughout our lives. Some challenges lure us to forget our responsibilities, some gives out hardships to achieve our goals. Most of them are very difficult to overcome. This is why they are called mountains. These challenges are not just tough to beat, but they also contain some interesting characteristics.
             First, the game ‘Infinite Mountains’ is continuous and steady as a rocking horse throughout our lives. Rocking horse moves up and down slowly and steadily with its rider on its back. The game is just the same. Challenges come out for us every day, every minute. For example, as I’m writing this essay, I’m faced with a challenge to make a choice between talking with my friends and keeping on writing this. Every night and day, we are faced with challenges not only concerning such serious topics such as friendship or grades, but also trivial topics like a decision to eat lunch or sleep. Challenge comes from everywhere without stopping. Thus, the game I’m playing is steady as a rocking horse.
             Second, the game ‘Infinite Mountains’ is sensitive and subtle as a bruise in a way that affects our lives. Challenges work as a criterion to identify whether we are successful in our lives or not. These challenges are not always subtle, but many of them are. For example, let’s say that I failed to get a good score on this essay. It may be nothing much since I can do better on my next piece of writing, but still, I’ll lose confidence subtly. Bruises are subtle because they aren’t recognized until they are actually touched. It’s the same way with the challenges. We succeed in thousands, but also fail in thousands. We only try to remember the ones we succeeded on. However, when those that we failed are mentioned, it hurts. For example, there is a guy who was top of his class in physics but got a B in his English class. He can only emphasize his success in physics class. However, whenever English is mentioned, he will feel regrets. The game I’m playing is subtle because we only tend to remember the good experiences.
             The game ‘Infinite Mountains’ is just like a marathon. In marathon, the runner with faced with lack of breath and shuddering legs. Throughout our lives, we play our own game of ‘Infinite Mountains’. The types and the intensity of the mountains that stand before the players may vary from person to person. However, there’s one thing that all the different types of games share – we must always try our best and do our best to win this game. 

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