2011년 11월 13일 일요일

Review : Slam Dunk


               Slam Dunk, by Inoue Takehiko, is one of the best comics I have ever seen. I was a comic fan since I was a child. Especially, sports comics were my favorites. However, unlike other similar sports comics, Slam Dunk not only made me to play basketball, but also taught me teamwork, passion, and courage. Ever since I first came across this comic when I was 13 years old, I read the series over ten times, and every time, Slam Dunk helped me go through many hardships, renewing my hopes and dreams. Although most sports comics unfold in a similar manner, Slam Dunk is different in many ways. Without a doubt, Slam Dunk is a MUST-READ work for anyone entering the world of comics.

These are the four criteria to evaluate and recommend the comic and give a brief preview to anyone who's willing to enter the world of Slam Dunk.


               The action of the Slam Dunk is outstanding. In every chapter and every page, there is heart-thumping action ready to burst out of the pages. Unlike other mediocre sports comics where they put much effort in pointless story layout and details, Slam Dunk is packed with action. You get absorbed to the action so much, you can't let go of the book until it ends. Every time I turn the pages, I hold my breath for another spectacular action. The drive-ins, dunks, dribbles, steals, passes, and shoots are well-combined and well-placed to avoid the boredom of the readers. Even though the moves are similar in the foundation, every move seems to be different and breath-taking. Thus, without hesitation, I give Slam Dunk five stars in the category 'action'.


               Slam Dunk gives the readers many morals that really reach deep within the readers hearts. Unlike other stories or comics where readers just 'realize' the morals, Slam Dunk actually makes readers 'feel' them. The first, and the most important lesson earned from the story is 'teamwork'. In the story, the players of the team are first all seperated and ununited. They all have different reasons and personal affairs for being in the team. Also, they are all trouble makers of the school. However, as they practice and play games together, they start to trust each other and finally become a team. The process of this is so beautiful and heartwarming, it remains in the readers minds long after finishing the book. In addition, Slam Dunk also teaches 'passion'. Throughout the story, players face difficulties that seem impossible to overcome. However, driven by their passion towards basketball, they subjugate the difficulties. This taught me to have passion and never give up on whatever you love to do and I hope it gives a similar moral to other readers. Without a doubt, Slam Dunk is a five-star story that gives out morals that cannot be forgotten.


               The story and development of the Slam Dunk is not much different than the other sports comics. Throughout the story, the team faces very difficult opponents and as they persevere through that, they become a  team. Also, game after game, each player's potentials burst out, making them a player of a whole different level. So, looking at the story point of view, Slam Dunk doesn't show much difference from other sport comics. However, looked at a dramatic point of view, Slam Dunk has nothing to feel inferior towards other comics. The tension and the drama that Slam Dunk shows to the readers make them sweat from their hands. To prevent the spoilers, I'll just wrap the drama right here. Thus, I give four stars for the story and development category.


               Looking at the descriptive view, Slam Dunk is one of the best compared to any other comics. The intensity, the effort, the desperation, and the teamwork is very well described through the pictures, the readers can actually sympathize with the characters in the story, experiencing the similar emotions in their imagination. The pictures show every drop of sweat on the players' bodies and wrinkles on their faces, being very descriptive Through such descriptions, readers are able to feel as if they are right inside the story, and become closer to the characters. It gives the comic reality and sense of excitement. The comic may be white-and-black, however because of that, the description is more accurate and heart-touching. Thus, I give a five star for the description category.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good review, but a conclusion seems missing. You should reiterate why the entire thing is good, and maybe include a few more details, like who makes this comic and how it evolved, and are there any adaptations. How many comics are there etc.

    I've never heard of a "sports comic" until now, and didn't know they exist. I hear comic I think of Superman. I imagine it would be more satisfying to watch than read, but maybe I'm wrong. Interesting choice.
